Renaldo Herdiantoro, S.H., CCD., CPCD.

Renaldo Herdiantoro

Renaldo Herdiantoro has completed his Bachelor of Law Education from the Islamic University of Indonesia with honors. Renaldo has a strong interest in dispute resolution practices with more than 3 years of experience in that field. Besides that,  Renaldo is also eager involved in various of projects including Restructuring & Insolvency, Commercial Litigation, Banking and Finance, Public-Private Partnership (PPP), and Family Law Practice groups. 

Renaldo has already taken the attorney’s oath from the Indonesian Bar Association (PERADI) on August 2023. 



  • Bachelor of Laws, Islamic University of Indonesia 
  • Licensed to practice law as an Advocate by the Indonesian Bar Association (PERADI) 
  • Certified Contract Drafter by The National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP RI)
  • Certified Procurement Contract Drafter by The National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP RI)


Representative Experiences 

  • Assisted Receiver Team of PT Aditec Cakrawiyasa on Bankruptcy Process; 
  • Assisted Administrator and Receiver Team of Ngasidjo Achmad on Suspension of Debt Payment Obligation (PKPU) and Bankruptcy Process;
  • Assisted Administrator Team of PT Nagoya Plaza (Hotel Nagoya Plasa) on Suspension of Debt Payment Obligation (PKPU) Process;
  • Assisted and Adviced PT Bangun Olahsarana Sukses during their going concern on Bankruptcy Process; 
  • Assisted Perkumpulan Ahli Professional Kerjasama Pemerintah dan Badan Usaha Indonesia (PAP-KPBU) under SPAM Hulu-Hilir and Hang Nadim Batam International Airport PPP Project with BP Batam;
  • Represented PT Kakiatna Indonesia, PT Kakiatna Agro Indonesia, and PT Kakiatna Logistik on Industrial Relation Dispute;
  • Represented PT Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Multi Sembada Dana, PT Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Varia Centralartha, and PT Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Cahaya Wiraputra on Unlawful (Tort) lawsuit with their Debtor;
  • Represented Rural Banks to resolve non-performing loan against debtors;
  • Represented  PT Sumber Mataram Makmur on Debt Restructuring with their Sub-Con, PT Mitra Digital Globalindo (Subsidiary Company of PT Raja Besi);
  • Advised PT Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Varia Centralartha due to acquisition process; and
  • Assisted Ririn Dwi Ariyanti during her Divorce Dispute at South Jakarta Religious Court.


Expertise :

Dispute Resolution, Restructuring and Insolvency, Civil and Commercial Litigation, Industrial Relation, Criminal Law, Family Law, and Public-Private Partnership