Amyta Mulya Adzani is a Paralegal at the ATP Law Firm. Currently, Amyta Mulya Adzani is completing his Law Degree at Pancasila University with a concentration in Business Law. During college, Amyta was also active by taking several internships, one of which was part of the legal team at PT. Odisys Indonesia and actively participate…
Selawati, C.Med is currently completing her Bachelor of Law Education at Pamulang University and has attended the Mediator Certification Training which has been accredited by the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia. Selawati has also obtained a license as a Competency Assessor from the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP).
Setyo Agus Triyanto is a Paralegal at the ATP Law Firm. Currently Setyo Agus Triyanto is completing his Bachelor of Law Education at Pamulang University, and has attended training and mediator certification that has been accredited by the Supreme Court. Setyo Agus Triyanto has also obtained a license as a Competency Assessor from the National…