Andriansyah Tiawarman K, S.H.,M.H., CCD., CMLC., CTLC

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Andriansyah Tiawarman K completed his Bachelor Degree of Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia and completed his Masters in Law at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Currently Andriansyah Tiawarman K actively works as an advocate, mediator, curator and administrator as well as a lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Trisakti University. Andriansyah Tiawarman K is also trusted as one of the expert staff at the Ministry of National Development Planning of the Republic of Indonesia(BAPPENAS) since 2019. Andriansyah Tiawarman K is known as CEO and President Director of the Justitia Training Center as one of the professional legal training and education institutions in Indonesia and Justitia’s Professional Certification (LSP) as the First Legal Education and Training Professional Certification Institute in Indonesia which has obtained a license from the National Professional Certification Institute (BNSP). Under the direction and command of Andriansyah Tiawarman K, Justitia Training Center is able to be competent at national and international levels, especially in the fields of Alternative Dispute Resolution and Arbitration. Andriansyah Tiawarman K is currently serving as Secretary General at the Indonesian Association of Contract Drafter and Expert (PAHKI) with Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana as the General Chair, and also at of the Indonesian Association of Mining Legal Consultants and Lawyers (PERKHAPPI) with Prof. Dr. Faisal Santiago as General Chair.