
Renaldo Herdiantoro has completed his Bachelor of Law Education from the Islamic University of Indonesia with honors. Renaldo has a strong interest in dispute resolution practices with more than 3 years of experience in that field. Besides that,  Renaldo is also eager involved in various of projects including Restructuring & Insolvency, Commercial Litigation, Banking and…

Reza obtained his Bachelor of Laws Degree from Universitas Islam Indonesia, majoring in Civil Law. Holding the position of an Associate Lawyer, he has been actively handling both litigation and non-litigation matters, including criminal law cases, civil law cases, merger and acquisition, bankruptcy/insolvency and suspension of debt payment process, banking and finance law cases, and…

Setyo Agus Triyanto is an Associate at the ATP Law Firm. Setyo Agus Triyanto completed his Bachelor degree at Pamulang University, and has attended training and mediator certification that has been accredited by the Supreme Court. Setyo Agus Triyanto has also obtained a license as a Competency Assessor from the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP)…

Andriansyah Tiawarman K completed his Bachelor Degree of Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia and completed his Masters in Law at the Faculty of Law, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Currently Andriansyah Tiawarman K pursuing his Doctoral Degree at the Faculty of Law of University of Indonesia. Andriansyah Tiawarman K actively works as an…

Ramos Saragih is Associate of the firm. He graduated with Cum Laude predicate from the Faculty of Law University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta in 2022. During college, he actively participated in various organizational activities, seminars, workshops, committees and became a Paralegal at the University of Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jakarta Legal Aid in 2020-2022. I…

Dhea Yulia Maharani completed her Bachelor of Law education at the National Development University “Veteran” Jakarta and completed his Masters in Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia with a specialization in Intellectual Property Law. Currently Dhea Yulia Maharani pursuing his Doctoral Degree at the Faculty of Law of Borobudur University. Since 2017,…

Chyntia Trivena has completed his Bachelor of Law Education from the Catholic University of Indonesia. Chyntia has a strong interest in dispute resolution practices with more than 3 years of experience in that field. Besides that,  Chyntia is also eager involved in various of projects including Arbitration & Alternative Dispute Resolution, Debt Restructuring, Commercial Litigation,…

Pasar digital di Indonesia tumbuh subur seiring tuntutan masyarakat terhadap layanan yang sederhana, mudah dan efektif. Di bidang hukum, misalnya, kumpulan advokat meluncurkan aplikasi konsultasi hukum. Masyarakat Indonesia dinilai masih segan bahkan malu mencari bantuan saat menghadapi masalah. Padahal, konsultasi dibutuhkan supaya mereka tahu persis hak-hak dan kedudukan dalam hukum Fenomena ini yang kemudian mendorong…

TINDAK kejahatan jalanan yang dalam kurun waktu empat tahun terakhir menunjukkan trend meningkat, mau tidak mau mencoreng Yogyakarta yang dikenal sebagai kota pelajar dan kota budaya. Kekerasan yang dilakukan sekelompok remaja (biasa disebut sebagai genk) tidak hanya menyebabkan jatuhnya korban luka-luka, melainkan juga telah merenggut nyawa. Dalam setiap aksinya kelompok remaja tersebut menggunakan berbagai senjata…

Hyang Ismalya Mihardja menyelesaikan Sarjana Hukum di Universitas Indonesia, memperoleh gelar MBA dari ITB Bandung, dan bersertifikat Mediator Skills dari Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Belanda. 18 tahun pengalaman profesional termasuk manajemen senior dan posisi kepemimpinan di perusahaan swasta nasional. Dia secara konsisten mempromosikan Negosiasi dan Mediasi sebagai Alternatif Penyelesaian Sengketa dengan Pusat Mediasi Nasional sejak tahun…

Dr. Genio Ladyan Finasisca, S.H., M.Kn. completed his Bachelor of Law at the University of Indonesia, Master of Notary at the University of Indonesia and his Doctor of Law at the University of Indonesia. He is the youngest mining doctor in Indonesia. In 2011 & 2012 he was a delegate from the University of Indonesia…

Dr. Chandra Yusuf ,SH, LL.M., MBA., MMgt has completed his undergraduate education at the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, completed his Master of Law at the University of Melbourne, completed his Master of Business Administration at Oklahoma City University, completed his Master of Management at the University of Dallas, and also completed a doctoral…